Monday, July 23, 2007

The project begins

For this project we are using observations, interviews and group questions to gather data. It's been a slow start, but we are on our way. We're constantly doing observations, but last week we started with interviews.

We are interviewing women who have recieved loans from Women's Trust. It's really interesting to see microlending in action. The response is positive. The women are amazing. The loans seem to have been making a difference.

The loans start out at about $50 US . For a women to get a loan she needs to get 4 other women to join her in her group. They each get a loan for $50, and all have to pay back before they can take a step to a higher loan. I believe it's $75 dollar . They can't go any higher, until the groups loan is paid off.

The stories seems to be that if a member can't pay, the other members deal pay for her, but then may drop her as they go to the next level.

What I like best is that Women's trust is not only giving loans, but are trying to also implement education classes and healthcare for the women. There are a few studies out there that say to really make a different with micro credit education and health care need to be part of it. It seems to be true.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy, It's fascinating to step into your travels. Also interesting to hear about your research study.

The Brennans plus Daggetts and Grandma D. just returned from Lake Chelan where the temps were over 100 the first few days. I was thinking of you and wondering how hot it is in Ghana. Maureen, Anya, and Lili played spying and fairy/princess games under the deck of the house. Patrick says "Mama" and roars like a lion. We also went blueberry picking. Much fun.

Sending you lots of love (and a cool rainy Seattle breeze!)


Kathy said...

I was wondering how that trip went for you folks. I would have loved to go. I hope your mom is well.

I've been thinking about Molly alot when I do the interviews. I keep remembering that study she did with the folks from Cambodia.

I think Lake Chelan is hotter than Ghana, but it makes up for it in the amount of dust.